New Mexico Open Carry

New Mexico Open Carry: Laws, Requirements, Application & Online Training

New Mexico is a state that allows the possession of firearms in various ways, but it also has specific regulations regarding open carry. To ensure that you can open carry without violating any laws, it’s essential to be familiar with New Mexico’s gun statutes. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of New Mexico’s gun laws and the specifics of open carry in the state.


New Mexico allows its residents to possess firearms in various ways, including open carry. However, it’s essential to understand the specific regulations and locations where open carry is allowed and where it is prohibited.

New Mexico Gun Laws Summary

Concealed Firearm Licenses

In New Mexico, concealed firearm licenses are issued by the Department of Public Safety, and the state follows a “shall-issue” policy. This means that as long as an applicant meets the requirements, they shall be issued a license. Non-residents, however, cannot apply for a New Mexico firearm license, but they can use a permit from another state that has a reciprocity agreement with New Mexico.

Purchase Permit and Background Checks

New Mexico does not issue a purchase permit to buy firearms in the state, but individuals must undergo a criminal background check before purchasing a firearm. It is also worth noting that selling a firearm without completing background checks is a misdemeanor offense in the state.

Is Open Carry Legal In New Mexico?

Minimum Age Requirement

To open carry in New Mexico, you must be at least nineteen years old without any state or federal restrictions that prohibit firearm possession.

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Permissiveness of Open Carry

New Mexico is a permissive open carry state, meaning you do not need a permit or license to carry firearms in places that do not have restrictions openly. The state does not impose restrictions on the type of firearm or ammunition used, allowing the use of large-capacity firearms and antique guns.

Special Licenses for Machine Guns

However, if you wish to use machine guns or semi-automatic firearms, you must obtain a special license and comply with federal regulations.

New Mexico Open Gun Laws Quick View

Law/PolicyLong GunsHandgunsComments
State permit for open carryNoNoYou do not need a permit to open carry firearms in New Mexico.
Firearm registrations for open carryNoNoThere are no state requirements to register firearms meant for open carry in the state.
Assault weapon for open carryYesYesNew Mexico permits the use of assault weapons and all types of ammunition.
Magazine limitNoNoThe state does not have gun laws about magazine limits.
License for the owner of a firearmNot requiredNot requiredThere are no requirements to own any exclusive owner’s license.
Red flag lawYesYesNew Mexico is a red flag law state.
Castle doctrine lawYesYesNew Mexico is a castle doctrine state with a stand-your-ground policy and no duty to retreat.
Background check for private dealersYesYesPrivate dealers must complete a background check via federally licensed dealers.
PreemptionYesYesNew Mexico preempts local gun laws in the state.
Concealed carry permitYesYesYou need a concealed firearm permit to qualify for concealed carry in New Mexico.
Concealed carry in personal vehicleYesYesYou can conceal carry in your vehicle as long as you are with your license.
Open carry in SchoolsNoNoNew Mexico prohibits open carry in schools, technical institutions, colleges, and universities.

Where Is It Legal To Open Carry In New Mexico?

Restaurants and Bars

You can possess your firearms in restaurants and bars, but only in the restaurant area unless management prohibits it.

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Personal Vehicles

You can open carry and possess your firearm in a private vehicle.

Roadside Areas

Open carry is allowed in roadside areas within the state.

Forests and Parks

With a valid license, you can open carry in forests and park areas.

Places of Worship

You can open carry in places of worship unless there is a specific prohibition.

Where Is It Illegal To Open Carry In New Mexico?

Schools and Colleges

Open carry is prohibited in schools, technical institutions, colleges, and universities.

Bars and Alcohol-related Establishments

You cannot open carry-in bars that primarily sell liquor or where alcohol generates a significant portion of the income.

Under the Influence

Open carry while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or intoxicants is illegal.

Prisons and Detention Facilities

Open carry is not allowed in prisons, jails, correctional homes, or any detention facility meant for juveniles.

Court Houses

Open carry is prohibited in courts located in states, counties, or any municipality.

Wildlife Management Areas and Game Refuges

You cannot open carry or possess firearms in New Mexico wildlife areas or game refuges.

Tribal Land

Open carry is not permitted in tribal land areas of the state.

Public Transportation

You cannot possess a firearm in public transportation.

Private Buildings

Open carry is prohibited on private property or structures unless the owner permits it.

Safety Airport Zones

You cannot open carry in security zones of an airport.

Areas Prohibited by Law

You cannot open carry or possess firearms in areas prohibited by either state or federal laws.

Relevant Open Carry Laws And Legislature In New Mexico

No Weapon Sign

New Mexico enforces “no carry” signs, making it unlawful to possess a firearm on properties that have such signage or when the owner verbally expresses their prohibition.

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Preemption Laws

New Mexico preempts local gun laws, giving authority to the state government over local municipalities and areas.

Brandishing Of Firearms

It is illegal to brandish firearms in a manner that threatens another person’s safety or leads to battery or assault, except in cases of self-defense.

Red Flag Law

New Mexico is a red flag law state, allowing law enforcement officers to file petitions for protection or restriction orders against individuals who may pose a risk.

Possession Of a Firearm Under The Influence

Using a firearm while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any other medication that can cause impairment is strictly prohibited.

Open Carry While Hunting

You can open carry while hunting if you have a valid license for such activities. However, specific regulations apply, and the firearm must be used only for self-defense during hunting.


Understanding New Mexico’s gun laws and open carry regulations is crucial for responsible gun owners. By adhering to the state’s statutes and restrictions, individuals can exercise their right to open carry safely and legally. Always keep in mind that while open carry is permissible in many areas, certain locations are off-limits to ensure public safety and security.


Q1. Is New Mexico a permissive open-carry state?

Yes, New Mexico is a permissive open-carry state, meaning you do not need a permit to carry firearms in places that do not have restrictions openly.

Q2. Can I open carry-in schools in New Mexico?

No, open carry is prohibited in schools, technical institutions, colleges, and universities.

Q3. Can I open carry-in bars that sell alcohol in New Mexico?

No, you cannot open carry-in bars where alcohol accounts for a higher percentage of income.

Q4. Is there a minimum age requirement for open carry in New Mexico?

Yes, you must be at least nineteen years old without any state or federal restrictions to open carry in New Mexico.

Q5. What is New Mexico’s stance on machine guns and semi-automatic firearms?

To use machine guns or semi-automatic firearms, you must have a special license and comply with federal regulations.

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