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Mississippi Open Carry: Laws, Requirements, Application & Online Training

Mississippi is known as a constitutional carry state, allowing its residents to possess firearms with permission. However, like every other state in the USA, Mississippi has gun laws in place to regulate the handling of firearms within its jurisdiction. In this article, we will delve into the specifics of Mississippi Open Carry and explore the state’s gun laws in detail.


Mississippi, a constitutional carry state, upholds the right of its residents to bear arms. However, this freedom comes with responsibilities, and those who wish to open carry must adhere to specific regulations outlined in state gun laws.

Mississippi Gun Laws Summary

Mississippi offers two types of licenses for firearm possession – a standard permit and an enhanced permit. The state’s Department of Public Safety is responsible for processing permit applications, making Mississippi a shall-issue state. If you meet all the requirements to possess firearms, you can obtain a permit. However, it’s important to note that you do not need a license to purchase firearms, but a background check is mandatory for purchases from licensed dealers.

Is It Legal To Open Carry In Mississippi?

Yes, it is legal to open carry in Mississippi if you are at least eighteen years old and do not have any state or federal restrictions on possessing firearms. Convicted felons are prohibited from open carry or using firearms in the state.

Open Carry Laws In Mississippi

Mississippi is a permissive open carry state, meaning no permit is required to open carry within its territory. The state allows the possession of all types of ammunition and assault firearms as long as they are registered and comply with federal regulations.

State Permit for Open Carry

Mississippi does not require a state permit for open carry. There are no specific requirements to own a state permit before you open carry within the state.

Firearm Registrations for Open Carry

Mississippi gun laws do not mandate the registration of firearms in the state, except for assault weapons. Assault weapons must be licensed and carried in compliance with federal regulations.

Assault Weapon for Open Carry

Mississippi allows the possession of assault weapons like machine guns and semiautomatic firearms as long as they are legally registered and possessed in accordance with federal laws and regulations.

See also  Pennsylvania Open Carry

Magazine Limit

There are no regulations for the number of rounds in a magazine for guns in Mississippi.

License for the Owner of a Firearm

Mississippi gun statutes do not have any additional requirements for an owner’s license to carry a firearm in the state.

Red Flag Law

Mississippi does not have any red flag laws, meaning there are no provisions for protection or restriction orders related to firearms in the state.

Castle Doctrine Law

Mississippi is a castle doctrine state, which means there is no duty to retreat as long as you are in a place where you have legal rights to be.

Background Check for Private Dealers

Background checks for private dealers of firearms in the state are not mandatory. Only state and federally licensed dealers must carry out a background check before selling guns.


Mississippi preempts local gun laws, which means state government laws supersede those of local municipalities. However, regulation of the discharge of firearms in regional areas is permitted.

Concealed Carry Permit

You cannot conceal carry in Mississippi without obtaining a standard concealed carry permit or an enhanced permit.

Concealed Carry in Personal Vehicle

You can conceal carry in your car, but the firearm must be kept away from plain sight, and you must have your permit with you.

Open Carry in Schools

The state prohibits open carry or concealed carry of firearms and other types of weapons in schools, colleges, universities, and technical institutions.

Where Is It Legal To Open Carry In Mississippi?

You can possess firearms and open carry in the following areas in Mississippi:

  • Restaurants and bars: You can open carry in the eatery area of restaurants and bars as long as no post prohibits the possession of firearms on the premises.
  • Personal vehicle: You can open carry in your car as long as the firearm is in plain view.
  • Roadsides: You can open carry along roadsides in the state.
  • State parks and forests: You can open carry in Mississippi forests and parks as well as wildlife management areas.
See also  Louisiana Open Carry

Where Is It Illegal To Open Carry In Mississippi?

Mississippi gun law prohibits the possession of firearms in the following parts of the state:

  • Schools: You cannot open carry in elementary or secondary schools, colleges, and any university facilities.
  • Stadiums: You cannot possess firearms or open carry in any professional athletic fields or stadiums in the state.
  • Courthouses: You cannot open carry on the premises of a courthouse or during a court proceeding.
  • Prison: You cannot possess firearms or open carry in any state prison, jail, correctional home, or detention facility.
  • During elections: You cannot open carry or possess firearms in any polling unit during elections in the state.
  • Legislative meeting: You cannot open carry in any meeting organized by the state legislative body.
  • Places of worship: You cannot open carry in any church, mosque, or synagogue in the state, except for members of the security team.
  • Personal properties and buildings: You cannot open carry in any private building or property that has a post prohibiting the possession of firearms within the premises.
  • Alcohol establishments: You cannot open carry in any place that sells alcohol for on-site consumption.
  • Airports: You cannot open carry in any secured zone or airport terminal in the state except if you are transporting firearms, in which case it must be encased and unloaded.
  • Prohibited places: You cannot open carry in any Tennessee Valley Authority property or places prohibited by federal laws.

Relevant Open Carry Law And Legislature In Mississippi

Several Mississippi gun laws pertain to open carry in the state and will help you understand the regulations for possessing firearms:

No Weapons Sign

Mississippi enforces the “no weapon” sign in the state. Property owners or individuals with authority over property can erect signage to prohibit the possession of firearms. The sign must be visible from at least ten feet away from the building, and the message must be clear.

Preemption Laws

A waiting period is also in place in the state of California for Weapons laws. As stated by law, any purchaser shall wait ten days before they can physically take the gun home. After the purchase, firearms registration is not required by law unless the buyer is an assault weapon owner or a personal handgun importer.

See also  Maine Open Carry

Brandishing Of Firearms In Mississippi

Using a firearm or any other dangerous weapon in a threatening manner is considered a deadly weapon violation in Mississippi. Brandishing or displaying a firearm at another person, except for self-defense or when legally justified, is strictly prohibited, regardless of whether the gun is loaded or discharged.

Open Carry While Hunting In Mississippi

In Mississippi, you can open carry your firearm while hunting, including bow hunting. However, to conceal carry while hunting, you must possess a state permit. The state also has hunter harassment laws to protect hunting activities and wildlife. These laws prohibit deliberately interfering with licensed hunting activities, disturbing animals in the wild to affect their behaviors, and harassing individuals involved in legal hunting activities.


Mississippi is a constitutional carry state that allows residents to open carry without a permit. However, certain areas are off-limits for open carry, and it’s essential to be familiar with the state’s gun laws to stay compliant and safe. Always exercise responsible firearm ownership and carry practices, adhering to both state and federal regulations.


Q1. Do I need a permit to open carry in Mississippi?

No, Mississippi is a permissive open-carry state, and you do not need a permit to open-carry within its territory.

Q2. Are there any restrictions on assault weapons in Mississippi?

Mississippi allows the possession of assault weapons as long as they are legally registered and comply with federal laws and regulations.

Q3. Can I open carry in my car in Mississippi?

Yes, you can open carry in your car in Mississippi, but the firearm must be kept out of plain sight, and you must have your permit with you.

Q4. Is open carry allowed in schools and universities in Mississippi?

No, the state prohibits open carry or concealed carry of firearms in schools, colleges, universities, and technical institutions.

Q5. What are the penalties for violating Mississippi preemption laws?

Violating Mississippi preemption laws can result in a fine of at least one thousand dollars.

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